Garden State
Summary about Garden State by Gina Sharpe
Garden State is a movie focuses on a
young man named Andrew (played by Zach Braff) who goes home to New Jersey,
after being away for nine years, for his mother's funeral. He is an actor in
California now but not at all happy. He describes himself as being numb. He
doesn't experience any joy and is just going through the motions. His trip home
is a myriad of thoughts and feelings. He hasn't seen his parents in the whole
nine years and the only thing to bring him home is a death.
He takes a handful of different
medications each day and one wonders what is actually wrong with him. You
actually see the man smile and start to enjoy life a little. The movie is about
their relationship and his relationship with his parents and why he hadn't
returned home for nearly a decade. Slow moving, funny, and quite sweet in
Garden State and MLM
Summary by Dave Lok
I don't know if you guys ever
watched the movie Garden State. Zach Braff's character, Andrew Largeman,
encounters an old acquaintance from high school, Karl, who works at the
hardware shop.
Karl was pitching in this REALLY
cheesy way that's not only annoying but repulsive. Even though you might never
have watched this movie, I know that you've experienced this first hand, as the
pitcher or the one being pitched.
Everybody is a potential recruit, so
I recruited everybody. Forget about self promotion, about dignity, about
reason. Just go out and recruit.
My business never took off. I had to
supplement my living expenses with a part time job at Togo's. By that time, I
was pitching over the meat counter. NO JOKE.
From that experience, I've gained
some insight. People didn't join my business because it was harsh or cut
throat. I'd say people in the mortgage industry or Wall street are equal if not
more harsh and relentless than people in the network marketing industry. The
main reason people didn't join my business is because of ME. Well, long story
short, I learned to be a wolf. I learned to stop pitching the juice, the
business, and started to brand myself. The formula for success is simple:
Attraction Marketing System and a good lead funnel. Leaders in your company
know this. They are almost in a state of perpetual lead generation in their
business. Don't be like Karl who pitches opportunity everywhere he goes. Build
a lead funnel using attraction marketing system so that QUALIFIED recruits will
seek you out for guidance and sponsorship.
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