Saturday, August 25, 2012

Lantana Plant

Lantana Plant Landscaping

Executive summary about Lantana Plant by Brian I Park
Now, if you are on the lookout for plants that you can grow in your garden, lantana plant landscaping is a good choice.
The lantanas are hardy plants that have colorful group of flowers. These perennial plants are available in 150 species and are normally found on tropical areas. Among the most popular kinds is the lantana, camara, normally known as Spanish flag and the lantana montevidensis known as creeping lantana. Some hybrids are an arrangement of creeping and upright lantanas. You can design your coast with lantana plant landscaping; the place is very tolerant to salt air and would bloom excellently in humid conditions. This plant would grow across for about 5 to 6 feet and about 10 feet tall. The flower would bloom during spring up to fall which is colored orange, pink, and yellow. During cold season, the plant dies and would come back during spring. For arid gardens, go for mounding lantanas that grow for 1 foot to more than 5 feet tall. The flower would normal open in a single color and when they mature; they expand to additional flowers that come in cluster of two or three colors. Birds would normally spread the plant through the seed. Truth is, lantanas naturally are not invasive. Their plants would not grow new plants.

How to Grow Lantana for Indoors

Executive summary about Lantana Plant by Crisoloko Ramasasa
It's a perennial and hardy plant when grown outdoors with little maintenance. Lantana is sun loving plant ideal for outdoor gardening and produce more flowers when directly exposed to sunlight which adds colors and fragrance to your home.
Growing requirements for Lantana indoors
Soil medium. Mix an equal amount of compost, sand and rich garden soil. Filled your containers with prepared soil mix leaving about 1 inch from the mouth of the container unfilled.
Propagation by cuttings. Propagate cuttings from early summer, usually August and September. Plant your cuttings directly in your prepared containers or in prepared seed box with soil mix of perlite, peat moss and sand as growing area. Plant Maintenance. Lantana loves a moist climate to flourish flower bloom. If the climate is dry, apply misting to keep the growth in its peak.
Sunlight requirement. Lantana is a sun loving plant. If direct sunlight is insufficient, provide an artificial light 12 - 14 hours during the plants growing period.
Plant nutrition. Pest and disease control.

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