Friday, September 14, 2012

Hostas Plants

Hostas Plants


Executive summary about Hostas Planst by By David W Lambert
Hosta Plants - Plantain Lilies
Most gardeners love to have Hosta Plants in their borders for their colorful and deeply textured foliage, even though they do produce a bounty of white or blue flowers upon tall flower stalks all summer long.
Although Hosta Plants can be planted in nearly any condition, they will thrive in the shade. Propagation of Hosta Plants:
Split the clump into several pieces and instantly plant them. Hosta Plants - Growing Conditions:
You will discover that since Hosta are decedents of wetlands plants that they don't mind having wet feet. Hosta will love being planted next to streams, along pond edges, and in a bog setting. This versatile garden plant is also very much to home in rich garden soil.
One word of caution with the mighty Hosta Plants. So if you want to raise Hosta and you have a Deer population, you will need to treat the plants. Other Uses for Hosta
Many gardeners have entire Hosta Gardens, playing with all of the special shapes, sizes, colors and textures that the Hosta has to offer. This can form 'seas' of Hosta Plants for visual interest. They are equally at home as foundation plants, and base plants around shade trees, where nothing else will grow, including grass, or a meandering border along the lawn edge.

How to Divide Hosta Plants

Executive summary about Hostas Planst by
By Ian Scroggy
Use a garden fork and loosen the soil gently right around the hosta clump then gently place your fork in below the clump and lift it up give it a shake with the fork to loosen the soil. If your clump is large say 60cm in width the best method to split the clump is two forks placed back to back in the centre of the clump and pull apart. If the clump is smaller I use an old putty knife it is ideal for placing in between the eyes and cutting down through the side of the crown then pull the division apart. Make sure to clean and sterilise your tools before each division to stop the spread of any disease. Plant your division right away do not let the roots dry out

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